Happy Clients


Proof that Life Coaching Works

“I loved my coaching sessions with Kelly! I learned so much and truly believe that these sessions were and will continue to be a major part of my life. I'm calmer, more focused, and even sleeping better! I'm so grateful that I was able to have this opportunity and can't wait to continue on my path with the wonderful momentum and knowledge I gained from my time with Kelly.”

— Michelle

“Kelly is extraordinary. She's not just a coach, but a genuinely great person who cares about other humans in a real way. She is real and relatable and the person you never knew you needed in your corner cheering for you. Her cheerfulness and optimism are inspiring, but she does not shy from challenges, nor is she unfamiliar with negativity and the rawness of life itself. She is a problem solver and comes to every session with ways to tackle life and make it work for you. She and I connected at the most raw points in my life and from the very first meeting, I felt like I was talking to an old friend. I knew she had my best interests in mind from the start and trusted her wholeheartedly....I still do! I value every minute I spent with Kelly and everything she taught me about tackling life, keeping myself in a positive space and picking myself up when I fall. She is truly an invaluable asset to this crazy thing called life and I can't say enough amazing things about her.”

- Allison

“I've only known Kelly for 5 months, but it feels like I've known her for 25 years. I feel so blessed to have been introduced to her. Thanks to my wife for finding someone to help guide me through the most difficult time in my nearly 40-year professional life. It's comforting to have someone I can trust, share with, listen to, and feel I have someone who understands and genuinely cares. Kelly has been a true anchor, providing invaluable support and guidance. Highly recommended!”

- Tom

“Kelly is amazing. She brings positivity and a deep understanding of the process to growing your happiness. Already she has provided me with many tools I lacked previously in combating depression. She is punctual, funny, and always positive - but not in a fake, unrealistic way. I never thought therapy could be so enjoyable a process. I am much deeply grateful for her insight and her pushing me (as a coach who wants only for me to succeed) towards my goals.”


“Being coached by Kelly was incredible. Kelly listens intently and provides suggestions tailored to your needs. She has a wealth of knowledge and provides beneficial nuggets of wisdom each week. My mind is calm and my body is stronger. I have routines in place that will help me to sustain these changes, and continue to grow with a healthy lifestyle.”

— Jenn

“Kelly is an outstanding coach! Her expertise, passion, and dedication to her clients are unparalleled. She empowers her clients to maximize their potential and inspires them to live their best life. Kelly's approach is compassionate and thorough, and she excels at keeping her clients accountable in a supportive and encouraging manner. Her ultimate goal is to help her clients achieve and surpass their goals, and she consistently delivers. Kelly is committed to her clients' success and is always willing to go above and beyond to offer personalized support and guidance. Without a doubt, Kelly is the best coach out there!”

- Heather

“I worked with Kelly for 4 months. Prior to meeting her I was feeling frustrated with my daily routine and struggling with areas of mental health. Kelly helped me find more confidence within myself, taught me skills to battle anxiety, and helped me organize my weeks ahead. Kelly is very client focused and does her best to understand YOU and what works best for YOU. Kelly had new ideas each visit on how we could reach my particular goals. We would set weekly, realistic goals to implement, which I still use now! I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. I highly recommend signing up for 4 or more months to experience impactful and positive life changes. Kelly is an incredible coach and will treat you as a life long friend!”


I had been planning on leaving teaching when I was introduced to Kelly. A colleague raved about her and I knew I needed to make changes. Life now feels better. I enjoy my kids more and have more patience, and more fun. I am not consumed by worry or anger like I used to be. My best decision was your coaching because it truly changed things for me and for my family. Thank you Kelly!”

— Lynn

“This was the best investment I’ve ever made and honestly, the 1st investment that I’ve made in myself.”

— Jamie

“I was completely overwhelmed with emotions and exhausted when I met Kelly. This was life-changing. I will always appreciate what I learned from Kelly and carry it forward to others in my life as well as my classroom. I feel blessed to have found something that I had lost - me.”

— Jennifer

“I didn't want there to be such a dramatic difference between the person I am in the summer versus the rest of the year. Kelly and her understanding of what it's like to be a teacher and her strong knowledge of health and wellness took baby steps with me to help me be a happier and healthier person. There is no way I would have been able to do this myself.”

— Amy

“I was in the habit of putting my needs below everyone else's. Through my time with Kelly, I learned strategies to gain clarity about identifying what I wanted and how to develop a plan to get there. My weekly sessions not only energized me but helped me stay accountable to myself, my family, and my students. I truly feel blessed to have had the Kelly's guidance and perspective.”

— Heather

“I feel so lucky to have had Kelly's support. Kelly's knowledge of best health practices and resources impressed me week to week and the tools she has given me have positively impacted me and will continue to do so. With Kelly's guidance, I found more balance in my life, I’ve become lighter and I have become empowered to make changes for my happiness and health.”

— Molly

“Kelly helped me create achievable goals and sustainable habits that have transformed me from exhausted to a more energetic, happy, healthy version of myself. I highly recommend Kelly as a life coach.  She imparts her wisdom with such care that you can’t help but become your best self!  Thank you Kelly!”  

— Stephanie

“The 12 week coaching session with Kelly was extremely valuable to me. I would encourage all teachers to engage in wellness opportunities, especially with Kelly as the mentor and coach! When at my best, I am not only my best for myself, but also for everyone else around me.”

— Abbie