Frequently Asked Questions

What is Life Coaching?

Imagine talking with a wise friend, or an older sister that has had experiences that could help guide you and they focus on you (and only you!) with your best interests at heart during a tough time.

It’s not like counseling where you dissect your childhood. A life coach meets you where you are, helps you get unstuck and start creating the life you want. Coaching is focused on personal growth, widening options, self-improvement and achieving your specific goals.

I teach you tools that will help, (my super powers are around anxiety, stress & happiness!) I support you through struggles, envision all the possibilities, keep our focus on your goals and hold you accountable for the steps you choose.

You get off our session feeling uplifted, confident about the best pathway forward and ready to take actions that will get you closer to your goals.

I am kind, supportive and also, the kick-in-the-pants honest person in your life that will help you get results!

Additionally, I am a certified health coach, yoga teacher, meditation teacher, former elementary school teacher and Reiki practitioner - so I draw on all of my background to help you.

How often do we meet and how?

We meet via Google Meet (similar to Zoom) on a regular basis, so you can be anywhere in the world. Some clients prefer the weekly check-in, some like every-other week and some prefer monthly. No matter what, I recommend a minimum of 4 sessions and I have found 12 sessions to be the best length of time for really getting what you want. It takes a little bit to build momentum, create better habits and work through any roadblocks that can pop up.

Each week we can talk about what’s going on, what you want and what gets in the way. I will teach you more tools that can help and you will choose do-able action steps that move you closer to life on your terms.

I’ve successfully helped people going through divorces, getting out of dead-end jobs they hate, overcome feeling completely crushed by stress, debilitating anxiety to instead - creating and designing a life they want where they are able to find a baseline of happiness, buoyancy, a feeling of contentment every day.

How much does coaching cost?

I offer 2 discounted packages where I guarantee that you will feel better:

  • 3 months (12 sessions) for $1620

  • 1 month (4 sessions) for $620 

Or, individual coaching is $175 per session

Could we meet in person?

If it’s possible, absolutely. I am based out of Dover, NH, so if you are local, I’d love to work together in person! Just reach out.