Take breaks!

Research backs this up!  We do best when we vacillate from work to fun.  Work hard, play hard! This is something we all can do to lift our spirits, rejuvenate ourselves and keep things positive.

When working on something, think about pausing and adding:

  • A dance party - or just listening to a song you love!

  • Breathing - try just sitting for a couple minutes and inhaling for a few rounds of 5 counts, exhaling more slowly for 10 counts

  • A quick game

  • A short walk outside, notice what nature has to offer - buds, changing colors, greenery, etc.

  • Stretching

  • Smelling a candle, or suntan lotion (my fave in the winter when I’m missing summer)

  • Looking up a funny cat video (or other humorous topic you love)

  • Massaging your own forehead or hands for 1 minute

  • Wall push-ups

  • A quick text to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, checking in on them and telling them you miss them

These will break up your day, bring in more fun and help regulate yourself and those around you. 

Think about what might serve you best: if you need an increase in your energy - try something like a dance party; or when you need to relax, try something calming like breathing. It’s all about your intuition for what will serve you best.  Trust yourself and never doubt that the time spent on these are worth it.  Everyone performs best when they feel safe, taken care of, are regulated and happy.  


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