What’s Your Focus?

Yesterday I took a ‘Hop On, Hop Off’ tour in Ireland.

Behind me, someone was incessently talking, my knee hurt, I was thirsty, I could smell diesel constantly and the whole thing was quite expensive. And also, the breeze was lovely, the accents were so interesting, the town and architecture was beautiful. My love kept holding my hand.

Every time that I focused on an aspect of the experience, that situation grew bigger. I’ve been here before - I start getting bummed about my knee and pretty soon, the pain consumes me and I am Negative Nelly.

I intentionally I refocus myself on the good (all the time, as often as possible) and the negative things are quieter. The good floods me and defines my experience.

So - with whatever you’re doing today, what are you focusing on? There’s a saying in my yoga circles, ‘energy flows where intention goes’ and it’s true. What you focus on, multiplies. Be careful of your focus. It matters.


When You Wake (2 Tricks for a Better Day)


Take breaks!