This is a Test, Questions That Gauge Burnout

It pisses me off that:

  • Our society glorifies busyness and we shame people for appearing ‘lazy’

  • We praise each other for ‘doing it all’ and subsequently send the message that taking on extra responsibilities and sacrificing personal well-being is commendable and perhaps, even expected

  • Especially in the caregiving careers, management/administration take advantage of their staff by always asking for more and knowing that because they care, they will do it

  • A toxic workplace is often left unchecked. By allowing that culture to continue, it grows, often pitting people against each other in a desperate race to be the most worthy by working extra, etc.

  • Technology is supposed to make life easier, and yet- because we are so connected, it makes it hard to detach from work. Often there is an expectation to check in even when one is sick or on vacation

  • It is 2024 and still there is a stima surrounding mental health so that many people don’t get the support they need

So, given that we are all swimming in a culture where achievement is often more valued than well-being, please take this test and see if you are at risk for burnout:

The Burnout Test:

Answer each question with "Yes" or "No."

  1. Do you often feel physically exhausted, even after getting enough rest?

  2. Are you emotionally drained or overwhelmed by your responsibilities?

  3. Do you find yourself becoming increasingly cynical or negative about work or life in general?

  4. Have you noticed a decline in your performance or productivity at work?

  5. Do you frequently withdraw from social interactions or feel disconnected from others?

  6. Are you more irritable or easily frustrated than usual?

  7. Have you lost interest in activities or hobbies that used to bring you joy?

  8. Are you experiencing physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, or gastrointestinal issues?

  9. Do you have difficulty concentrating or making decisions?

  10. Have you experienced disruptions in your sleep patterns, such as insomnia or oversleeping?

  11. Are you neglecting self-care activities, such as exercise, healthy eating, or relaxation?

  12. Have you turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse or compulsive behaviors, to deal with stress?


  • Count the number of "Yes" responses.


  • 0-3 "Yes" responses: Low Risk - You are exhibiting few signs of burnout. Keep monitoring your well-being and prioritize self-care to maintain a healthy balance.

  • 4-7 "Yes" responses: Moderate Risk - You are showing signs of burnout and may benefit from taking proactive steps to manage stress and improve self-care habits. Check out my weekly mini-newsletter HERE that will give you ONE tip to work on each week. Momentum soon follows and you will be feeling better and noticing that you have more balance and joy in your life.

  • 8-12 "Yes" responses: High Risk - You are experiencing significant symptoms of burnout and should seek support from a healthcare professional, counselor or life coach to address your stress levels and well-being. No matter what level of support you choose, I would be happy to help get you started. Click HERE for a free session - my goal is to help others avoid what I went through. Also, my favorite resource on burnout is HERE - this is work done by Dr. Neha Sangwan and she is amazing. There are tools and a wonderful book that could really prove helpful.

Thanks for reading. If this was helpful, pass this onto a friend or co-worker.


Stressed? Know the 5 Signs of Burnout


Shedding the ‘Nice’ Image, 6 Steps to Becoming a Recovering People-Pleaser