Tools for Survival Mode to A Life You Love
Everyday I am working with clients to change their lives and get out of survival mode.
Some of my clients are going through divorce, some are in their 20’s and 30’s and overcome with daily anxiety, and some are creating the life they’ve dreamed of when they’ve been putting everyone else first for YEARS. Their days are now filled with laughter, little moments of joy, a kind inner voice and healthy habits.
We talk about work, personal lives, relationships, coping mechanisms and habits. My approach focuses on taking small daily actions, changing habits, rewiring inner dialogue, and seeing problems differently. And because of went I’ve been through, I can short-cut a client’s progress. It took me years and I’ve studied everything I could on stress, anxiety and happiness. I want to help others bypass what I went through and live a life that they truly love. I can’t promise you that all will be easy going forward, but I can guarantee that you will feel better; less stress and more joy.
Sometimes I am asked to be on a podcast and share some of that learning. This was a great episode with Ryan Stevens on “Living Your Best Life’ where I shared as much as I could! Get ready to take notes and think about things a bit differently! Just CLICK HERE and let me know if you have follow up questions. I love sharing what I know in hopes that it helps you.
What is your favorite tool that you’re going to try?
And if your mind flashed to a friend or family member that you could use these tools, please forward it on with THIS link!