How to Manifest the Life You Want
I’d Like to Place an Order of Happiness with a Side of Adventure…
Several years ago I saw the documentary on Netflix called, I Am Not Your Guru where Tony Robbins held in-person events where he coached them on bettering their lives. I got to the end of the film and told myself that one day, I HAD to go. I wanted it so badly!
I saved up, repeatedly panicked (because I didn’t have that money, was I crazy?) but then followed through on booking a Tony event. I chose the Life and Wealth Mastery event in Fiji in July of 2022. Truly, it was outstanding. It was everything you could want from being exposed to the amazing people and culture of Fijians to learning tools and best practices for optimal wellness and financial freedom. It was the critical element in creating the life I have today.
One really cool piece that sticks with me today is what I learned there on manifesting - deciding what you want and bringing it into your life. You may think I am exaggerating - but everything I wrote down has come true in my life over the last year and a half.
It fascinated me so much that I’ve continued to study it. I do believe (as well as many thought leaders from Oprah and Gabrielle Bernstein to Deepak Chopra) believe you can create what you want by optimizing your thoughts and actions.
Here are my top tips for getting what you want in life:
1. Dream and Get Clear:
All change starts with thinking! Dream big and let your mind wander into the future. What would feel great? What would you love? What do you want? How do you want to feel? Get clear on what you want. Think about what aligns with your values, causes you to grow, and gives you life and vitality.
2. Show It:
It is like placing an order! Make a Vision Board, journal about it or write a letter. Focus on how achieving those things would feel. What would you be saying? What would my future self be thinking? Wearing? Feeling? Doing? What steps would you need to take to achieve what you want? If you’re looking to get in shape, can you picture lacing up your shoes and going outside for a walk, even when it’s cold? And notice how proud you’d feel for becoming a person who makes movement a part of your identity!
3. Remain Open:
My friend and fellow life coach, Emily advises adding the saying, ‘this or something better’ to what you ask for. That pushes for what you want but opens the door to how exactly that might come about.
This happened to me! I was teaching kindergarten and single when I wrote the list of what I wanted. I struggled to believe what I wanted was possible. I wanted to do my life coaching full-time and travel, but how plagued me. I decided that it could be possible if I sold everything and lived in a van to travel the US. Well, lucky enough for me, I did not stay attached to the van outcome, because I met James and by traveling together, we are able to stay at Airbnb’s and even sometimes travel internationally. So thank you dear Universe, this life is certainly better this way!
3. Practice Gratitude:
It may take time, but being appreciative of what you do already have and what is coming your way focuses your mind on the good stuff…and that grows! I even explicitly write it in my letter.
4. Example Language:
Check my new one below. Notice how my language is writing it as if it’s already happened and focuses on what I want versus writing about what I do not want. This helps your subconscious create it by activating your Reticular Activating System in your brain. The RAS is a filter that highlights possible avenues for your dreams to come true. (‘Oh hey, did you hear that, you want to get active and your new neighbor asked about great walking routes. Maybe you could ask to show her and go together!’)
Dear Universe,
I am so happy and grateful now that I constantly feel joy, love and peace every day and make the most of my days.
I am so happy and grateful now that I prioritize my relationships and friendships. I feel deeply connected and am loved. I am fully myself, and attract wonderful, like-minded friends. My relationships and friendships fulfill me. I make others feel loved and appreciated. I enjoy fun and laughter with my tribe and feel a sense of belonging where ever I am.
I am so happy and grateful that I feel a sense of adventure, fun and freedom by traveling all over the world, learning about many cultures, experiencing kindness from people, hearing music, seeing art and tasting delicious food from around the world.
I am so happy and grateful for the fulfillment I feel in my coaching by having a full practice helping people create epic results and successes.
I am so happy and grateful for the peace, strength and equanimity I feel from a daily meditation, journaling and yoga.
Thank you for this or something better!
Love, Kelly
5. Believe It:
We need to believe these things are possible, so if you notice your brain saying, ‘yeah but…’ work on that. You can change, it’s possible and you deserve what you want. It’s important for you to believe that! I believed that I could stop teaching full-time, buy a van and coach. I believed that I deserved it. I started working toward that - slowly but surely.
6. Action is Rewarded:
This isn’t magic, you must act and take the steps toward your dreams but I do believe the Universe will co-conspire with you and help you to make it easier. Every day, read your letter, look at your Vision Board or your journal and feel as if you already have it. Imagine it, and feel that love, that freedom, that joy, that abundance. Then, take the steps that get you there. This isn’t to say that life won’t have setbacks, because that’s still a part of life…but we do have the power to create a better life. Know that there might be fear as we dip our toes into new territories, but on the other side, is what we want. I actively worked with my financial advisor, consulted with realtors, kept studying coaching and kept coaching on the side. Eventually, I left a job of wonderful kids, excellent health care and a regular paycheck. I sold my condo and my cute little Mini Cooper.
7. Give it Time:
It took a while, and It was scary AF - BUT - I am now doing what I wrote about on that notebook in Fiji - traveling, coaching and with an amazing man to boot. Be patient but get ready for life to get better!
If this post helped you, please forward it on to someone else whom may benefit!